This application consists of a well balanced granular fertilizer with DIMENSION control. This is a very important round that promotes an early “green up” with a long lasting crabgrass preventative.
This application consists of a non-burning, sulfur coated fertilizer to promote a rich dark green during this high growth period. Since Spring is a rapid growth period, the grass requires more “food” than normal.
These two applications consist of a non-burning sulfur coated fertilizer formulated for the hot Summer months. Again, because we use a sulfur coated, slow release fertilizer, we achieve a uniform, continued green during this time.
Effectively watered, our lawns don’t get that “browned out” look like our competitors due to the superior products we use. Also during this application, we apply any weed control products that are needed.
Again, this application consists of a well balanced, sulfur coated fertilizer to promote continued color during the usually dry months of August and September. Being environmentally conscious, we use herbicides ONLY WHEN necessary.
This is done as a dual-purpose application because it has two uses. First, it is used to feed the turf well into October and November which are periods of high root growth as the plants prepare for Winter. Second, this application will allow the grass to store enough nutrients to last through the Winter and enable the plants to have enough stored up nutrients to “green up” faster the following Spring.
Compacted soil and a heavy, thick thatch can be the two biggest obstacles to a healthy lawn. Getting a Core Aeration will allow air, water and fertilizer (applied in the Late Spring Application) to penetrate to the
root zone where they are needed. Aerations can be done any time of the year but for our regular fertilizer customers, we like to schedule them approx.7-10 days before the Late Spring Fertilizer application. This is a very important application and it GREATLY ENHANCES the overall effectiveness of our program.
June/July is the best time to control most turf invading insects. Applied at the same time as the “Summer” application, we use fertilizer w/ MERIT to combat any problems that may exist. A grub control is very important (depending on your circumstance) to treat and/or prevent damage being done to your lawn during this very stressful time of the year. Left unchecked, they will destroy a yard easily.
Most homeowners that we service have special ornamental landscaping installed throughout their yards. Although not as frequent as the grass, these specialized ornamental trees and shrubs must be fertilized as well. This application only done ONCE PER YEAR (in the Fall), is very low in price but very effective.
We actually use the product called “Arbor Green” with added micro nutrients (patented and used by the Davey Tree Company), but charge must less than them. This application is done via DEEP ROOT INJECTION to all the trees and shrubs beginning in October. This will ensure maximum growth throughout the year and will actually help prevent disease. This is a must for newly planted landscaping (less than 3 years old).
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